Wednesday, August 15, 2012

An Unanticipated Hobby

If you would have asked me, even 5 years ago if I would ever enjoy crocheting, I would have said, probably not. Ask me now; I love it! It's the one thing where I can have some sort of control over the outcome. It sort of fell in my lap, too. I learned the very basics about fives years ago, but never really found my niche.

My favorite things to make, are definitely flower headbands. Not a long and daunting project, but fairly easy, with a super cute outcome. I decided to sell them, but have had no luck. I have zero business sense, and no real time to get things going. Here are some pictures of some of my projects. I hope this works... In doing this all from my phone.

These are just a few of my creations... Which of these do you like best?