Friday, July 27, 2012


Welcome to my blog. Yes, I've finally done it. I've joined the blogging world. So many of my friends love blogging, that I've decided I will see what all of the fuss is about. :)

My name is Amber Linn, I have the best husband in the world, and the two most beautiful babies ever! :) My baby boy, Liam, will be 2 this September, and my baby girl, Claire, will be 6 months old, next week! I can't believe how fast time flies! (I will tell their birth stories in different posts.)

Now a little about myself. I believe we should always endeavor to better ourselves, and the gifts that we have been given. I wish people focused more on service, than their own problems; there is always someone worse off than you. My greatest goal in life, is to be the best wife and mother I can possibly be. I love making people happy, and being frugal, if you can believe it. Making something out of nothing is very appealing to me. I am trying to master crocheting, right now, and just started my own Etsy shop, AllThingsByDesign. My next goal is to learn how to sew. Sewing really intimidates me, so, I may push it back a bit... :)

I love to sing, more than any other activity. I love musicals, and I love being in musical productions. I love volleyball more than any other sport. I, like almost any other mom out there, am trying to find the best way to lose my baby weight, and be as healthy as possible, so I can be active with my children. I love to cook, bake, decorate cakes, etc. I try 1 new recipe a week, and get most of my ideas from Pinterest.

I'm all about making life simple and enjoyable. A great man once said, "Life is to be enjoyed, not endured." I concur. So that's what my blog is about. How to make life more enjoyable! Enjoy!